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Converting WooCommerce product thumbnails into 3D models

In the dynamic world of online retail, the visual representation of products plays a crucial role in influencing consumer decisions.

To meet the evolving expectations of customers and stand out in the crowded e-commerce landscape, you may be finding yourselves looking for new and innovative solutions.

One such innovative solution is the conversion of WooCommerce product thumbnail images into dynamic and interactive 3D models.

In this article, we will show you the process of transforming your traditional product thumbnails into 3D models in your WooCommerce store, creating a visually engaging and immersive shopping experience for your customers.

The power of 3D models in WooCommerce

Immersive product exploration

With 3D models, customers can delve into a new dimension of product exploration.

They can rotate, zoom, and inspect items from every angle, providing a level of interactivity that transcends traditional 2D thumbnails.

This immersive experience enables customers to make more informed purchasing decisions.

Enhanced realism and authenticity

3D models bring an unprecedented level of realism to your product catalog.

By accurately representing the dimensions and features of your products, you instill a sense of authenticity, reducing the gap between online and in-store shopping experiences.

Reduced uncertainty and returns

The detailed view offered by 3D models helps customers better understand the product, leading to a reduction in uncertainty.

This, in turn, can minimize the likelihood of returns, as customers have a clearer perception of what to expect when their purchase arrives.

Competitive edge in e-commerce

Implementing 3D models in your WooCommerce store sets your business apart from competitors, showcasing a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

It’s a powerful way to capture the attention of your consumers and create a memorable brand identity.

Steps to transform WooCommerce product thumbnails into 3D models

1: Install Visody PRO

Explore WooCommerce-compatible plugins that specialize in 3D product visualization. One great plugin that supports this feature is the Visody 3D product viewer.

For just $3.50 a month you can replace your product thumbnails with amazing 3D models on your shopping pages.

Make sure you upgrade to the paid plan before you continue.

2: Create high-quality 3D models

If you do not have any 3D models of your products yet, invest in creating detailed and realistic 3D models of your products. Collaborate with skilled 3D designers or invest in learning how to create 3D models of your products on your own.

Prioritize accuracy and visual fidelity, while maintaining performance and low file sizes. Also make sure to use the GLB or glTF format.

3: Upload your 3D models

After you have created or received your product 3D models, it is time to make them available online. You can opt for a CDN hosting to host the files external. Or you can choose to upload the models to your webshop server.

If you want more information about this topic, please read this article.

4: Add 3D models to your WooCommerce products

Next, we need to link the 3D models to our products. Go over to your WooCommerce product edit page, locate the “Product data” box. There you will find a tab called ‘Visody Viewer’:

Use the “3D model” or the “3D model url” field to link your 3D model to the given product.

5: Update Visody settings

To add the 3D viewers to shopping page items, we need to go over to the appearance settings.

Go to Visody -> Appearance and open the “Shop page and QR” tab.

If you can’t find the tab, you are probably still on the free version. Make sure to upgrade to the PRO plan to continue.

Check the box for “Product item viewer” and click “Save changes”.

Now the viewers should also appear on your shopping pages.

Bottom line

Transforming WooCommerce product thumbnail images into 3D models is a game-changer for online retailers looking to provide an unparalleled shopping experience.

By embracing this technology, businesses can create a more immersive, engaging, and realistic environment for their customers.

As consumer expectations continue to evolve, integrating 3D models into your WooCommerce store not only keeps you ahead of the curve but also positions your brand as a leader in delivering cutting-edge e-commerce solutions.

Elevate your online store, captivate your audience, and leave a lasting impression with the power of 3D product visualization.